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Capturing Design: Improving conceptual ship design through the capture of design rationale

Capturing DesignImproving conceptual ship design through thecapture of design rationaleCapturing DesignImproving conceptual ship design through thecapture of design rationalePROEFSCHRIFTter verkrijging van de graad van doctoraan de Technische Universiteit Delft,op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof.ir. K.C.A.M. Luyben,voorzitter van het College voor Promoties,in het openbaar te verdedigenop dinsdag 1 mei 2012 om 12.30 uurdoor Thomas William DENUCCIMaster of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineer...
上传时间:2023-02-11 页数:257 格式:PDF 浏览: 3

Design concept and the conceptual design

Design concept and the conceptual design
上传时间:2016-01-12 页数:11 格式:DOC 浏览: 9

Conceptual design and design concepts

Conceptual design and design concepts
上传时间:2016-01-11 页数:13 格式:DOC 浏览: 9

On the conceptual design

On the conceptual design
上传时间:2016-01-21 页数:3 格式:DOC 浏览: 2

Design Rationale

Design Rationale
上传时间:2016-08-23 页数:23 格式:PPT 浏览: 2

Design Rationale

Design Rationale
上传时间:2015-02-15 页数:20 格式:PPT 浏览: 0

Improving Online Learning through the Use of Design Thinking

Improving Online Learning through the Use of Design Thinking
上传时间:2017-04-09 页数:6 格式:DOCX 浏览: 0

The conceptual design of building structures design and structural measures

The conceptual design of building structures design and structural measures
上传时间:2016-02-04 页数:14 格式:DOC 浏览: 10

Discussion on conceptual design

Discussion on conceptual design
上传时间:2016-01-21 页数:7 格式:DOC 浏览: 0

conceptual design

conceptual design
上传时间:2021-03-30 页数:8 格式:PPT 浏览: 2